Publications By Stanley Culpepper
2021 Georgia Cotton Production Guide (AP 124-1) The 2021 cotton production guide provides an in-depth look at cotton production in Georgia and the southeastern United States. Issues discussed include economic outlook, fertility, weed management, in…
2022 Georgia Cotton Production Guide (AP 124-2) The cotton production guide provides an in-depth look at cotton production in Georgia and the southeastern United States. Issues discussed include economic outlook, fertility, weed management, insect …
Commercial Snap Bean Production in Georgia (B 1369) This is an in-depth publication covering Culture and Varieties, Soils and Fertility, Irrigation, Sprayers, Diseases, Insect Management, Weed Control, Food Safety and Sanitation, Harvest/Post-Harvest …
Financial Analysis of Methyl Bromide and Mulch Alternatives for Bell Pepper in Georgia (B 1411) This publication contains a financial analysis of alternatives to methyl bromide and mulch for bell pepper in Georgia. This research is aimed at seeking the best fumigant substitute for methyl bromide…
Georgia Pest Management Handbook Series: Cotton (SB 28-16) Commercial insect and weed control in cotton. Updated annually.
Georgia Pest Management Handbook Series: Peanut (SB 28-24) Commercial insect and weed control in peanut. Updated annually.
Georgia Pest Management Handbook Series: Small Grains: Wheat, Triticale, Barley, Oats, and Rye (SB 28-27) Commercial insect and weed control in small grains: wheat, triticale, barley, oats, and rye. Updated annually.
Georgia Pest Management Handbook Series: Vegetables (SB 28-34) Commercial insect and weed control in vegetables. Updated annually.
Home & Garden Georgia Pest Management Handbook Series: Vegetables (SB 48-12) This section of the Home & Garden Edition covers insect, weed, and disease control in home garden vegetables. Beginning in 2022, the Home & Garden Edition has been updated biennially. When purchasing …
How to Set Up a Post-Emergence Directed and Shielded Herbicide Sprayer for Cotton (B 1069) Even with today's technology, it is critical that growers use directed herbicides in their cotton crop to improve coverage of weeds hiding under the cotton canopy. Precision applications maximizing sp…
Onion Production Guide (B 1198) This publication represents the latest information available on the commercial production of short-day onions in south Georgia.
Sweet Potato Production and Pest Management in Georgia (B 1489) Sweet potatoes are members of the Convolvulaceae family, which includes morning glory. They are native to tropical America and are a perennial plant there. In more temperate regions such as the United…
Tropic Croton Identification and Control in Cotton and Peanut (C 865) This publication discusses tropic croton identification and control in cotton and peanut.
海角官方首页 Programs for Controlling Ryegrass and Wild Radish in 2020-21 Wheat (C 1072) Ryegrass threatens Georgia wheat production as herbicide resistance has become very problematic. Aggressive resistant management programs must be implemented; ignoring this warning will ensure resista…