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  • 2022 Georgia Plant Disease Loss Estimates (AP 102-15) 2022 plant disease losses, including control costs, amounted to an estimated $933 million. The value of the crops used in this estimate was approximately $8200 million, resulting in a 11.4% relative d…
  • Commercial Pecan Spray Guide (B 841) This publication provides guidance for insect, disease, and weed control in commercial pecan orchards for 2024.
  • Georgia Pest Management Handbook Series: Fruit and Nuts (SB 28-19) Commercial insect and weed control in fruits and nuts. Updated annually.
  • Georgia Pest Management Handbook Series: Peanut (SB 28-24) Commercial insect and weed control in peanut. Updated annually.
  • Haiti Peanut Research Report (B 1499) This report summarizes the findings of field trials and basic data collected in Haiti under the Feed the Future Peanut & Mycotoxin Innovation Lab project from 2014-2017. The focus of the research was …
  • Peanut Production Field Guide (B 1146) The peanut production guide includes varieties, agronomic practices, pest management, irrigation management, equipment maintenance, maturity, and harvest practices.
  • Rapport de recherches sur l’arachide en Ha?ti (B 1499-FR) L’arachide est cultivée en Ha?ti depuis au moins 500 ans et remonte très probablement à la préhistoire. Selon Bartolomé de las Casas, un prêtre qui a accompagné Christophe Colomb lors de son expéditio…
Timothy Branner Brenneman Professor, Peanut and Pecan Disease Management arachis@uga.edu Extension Profile