Publications By Brett R Blaauw
Field Guide to Ambrosia Beetles of Agricultural Importance in the Eastern and Southern United States (C 1239) This pocket field guide provides a summary of the common economically damaging species of ambrosia beetles in the Eastern and Southern U.S. It includes an easy-to-use morphological identification guid…
Grape Sour Rot (C 1212) Although grape sour rot can occur in drier climates, the disease complex tends to be especially problematic during wine grape ripening in wet, humid regions. Browning and disintegrating berries and th…
Home & Garden Georgia Pest Management Handbook Series: Home Orchard (SB 48-05) This section of the Home & Garden Edition covers pest control in home orchards, including apples, peaches, bunch grapes, muscadines, strawberries, blueberries, and other fruits. Beginning in 2022, the…
Muscadine Grape Management (C 1303) This phenology-based muscadine grape management poster provides a reference for sound viticultural, disease, and insect management practices in a digestible format. Produced in cooperation with Univer…
Pierce's Disease of Grape: Identification and Management (B 1514) Pierce’s disease (PD) may be the greatest threat to the growth and sustainability of wine grape industries in the Southeastern U.S. The first step to managing grapevine PD is understanding the threat …
Southeastern Peach Growers' Handbook Series: Plum Curculio: An Incessant Pest of Peaches (C 1224) Plum curculio, Conotrachelus nenuphar (Herbst), is a key insect pest of peaches in the Southeast region of the United States. It is a snout beetle native to North America and is found east of the Rock…
Southeastern Peach Growers' Handbook Series: San Jose Scale: A Pernicious and Persistent Pest of Peaches (C 1225) San Jose scale, Comstockaspis perniciosus (Comstock), is a pest of peaches, nectarines, plums, and other tree fruits including apples, pears, and cherries. San Jose scale is considered a secondary pes…
Southeastern Peach, Nectarine, and Plum Pest Management and Culture Guide (B 1171) This guide covers multiple states and production areas. Pest problems vary across the Southeast. Pesticide rates are a guideline. Exceptions are noted for specific locations and pests, but this guide …
Spanish Series: Manejo del Vi?edo (C 1151-SP) Este póster del manejo del vi?edo está basado en la fenología de la planta y proporciona una referencia para las buenas prácticas de manejo de las enfermedades y los insectos de la vid en un formato a…
Viticulture Management (C 1151) This phenology-based viticulture management poster provides a reference for sound viticultural, disease, and insect management practices in a digestible format. Viticultural practices optimize vineyar…