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  • 2022 Vidalia Onion Extension and Research Report (AP 114-3) This is an annual report highlighting research conducted during 2021 and 2022 for Vidalia onions. Research topics include: variety trials, irrigation and fertilizer strategies, sulfur content in soils…
  • Biology and Management of Stubby-Root Nematodes on Onion (C 1211) Stubby-root nematodes, Paratrichodorus minor, are considered an important pest of onions in Georgia. Low to high population densities of this nematode were observed in multiple fields in the Vidalia a…
  • Factors that Influence Cold Hardiness of Citrus (C 1307) One of the most common questions regarding citrus is how much cold weather they can withstand before they are killed. Most citrus growers are looking for a specific low temperature, but there is no si…
Aubrey Shirley County Extension Coordinator / ANR Agent aubreys@海角官方首页.EDU Extension Profile