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  • Consumer Horticulture Series: Connecting People and Plants (C 1202) Consumer horticulture touches all our lives, whether in a bustling downtown area, the open countryside, or anywhere in between. Consumer horticulture supports human health, community beautification, e…
  • Consumer Horticulture Series: Consumer Horticulture Benefits for Individuals and Families (C 1203) The plants and gardens that we tend matter for our personal health. They can enhance our homes, making them a haven for rest and well-being. They provide much-needed exercise, nutrition, and diversion…
  • Deer-Tolerant Ornamental Plants (C 985) If deer are overabundant in your neighborhood, and deer herd reduction or management is not feasible, a good way to prevent deer browsing in landscapes is to plant ornamental plants that deer do not l…
  • Georgia Master Gardener Handbook (AP 106) The Georgia Master Gardener Handbook, 8th Edition, is the official reference text produced by the University of Georgia and developed for Master Gardener training. For more information about the Georg…
  • Growing Bigleaf Hydrangea (C 973) Bigleaf hydrangea, also called French, Japanese, or snowball hydrangea, is a landscape plant. Bigleaf hydrangea can be transplanted to the landscape for repeat blooms each year.
  • Growing Southern Magnolia (C 974) Southern magnolia is an aristocratic tree. It grows well throughout Georgia, is widely adaptable to a variety of soils and has few pest problems. With glossy evergreen foliage and large white fragrant…
  • Herbs in Southern Gardens (B 1170) Growing herbs - both annuals and perennials - is simple and rewarding. A wide variety of herbs can grow in most parts of the United States. Those featured in this publication grow well in the Deep Sou…
  • Landscape Basics: Success with Herbaceous Perennials (B 1424) Whether in a commercial installation or residential garden, perennial plants can be successfully used to offer more landscaping choices, distinguish your firm from the competition and create a niche f…
  • Landscape Plants for Georgia (B 625) This publication includes a list of good plants for Georgia organized into various sizes and groups. The design qualities of plants—their form, size, color and texture—are emphasized according to the …
  • Make Every Drop Count: Managing a Water-Wise Landscape (C 895-4) Water-wise landscapes not only save water, they save time by requiring less routine care than most traditional landscapes. This publication offers guidelines to help you achieve these goals and conser…
  • Make Every Drop Count: Proper Planting Results in Healthy, Water-Efficient Plants (C 895-3) Planting ornamental plants correctly increases their survivability and performance in the landscape, and it helps them develop a vigorous, healthy root system that increases their drought tolerance du…
  • Make Every Drop Count: Xeriscape - Seven Steps to a Water-Wise Landscape (C 895-1) A landscape designed, installed and managed according to Xeriscaping's seven steps uses up to 50% less water than a traditional landscape. And, a well-designed water-wise is just as attractive as a tr…
  • Ornamental Plantings on Septic Drainfields (C 1030) Ornamental plantings can be attractive and beneficial options for the expanse of open ground designated for a septic drainfield. Properly chosen plants help manage moisture and nutrient levels in the …
  • Pampas Grass (C 983) Pampas grass is a large perennial grass native to Brazil, Argentina, and Chile. Mature plants can reach 10 feet tall and 6 feet wide. In late summer, silvery-white plumes rise several feet above the f…
  • Plant Propagation for the Home Garden Series: Starting Plants From Seed for the Home Gardener (B 1432) A number of plants, particularly vegetables, annuals, and herbs, can be grown from seed. There are many advantages to propagating plants from seed. This publication provides information on seed select…
  • Soil Preparation and Planting Procedures for Ornamental Plants in the Landscape (B 932) Proper planting is essential for healthy, vigorous growth of ornamental plants in the landscape. It assures rapid plant establishment by providing a favorable environment for the developing root syste…
  • Starting Plants From Cuttings for the Home Gardener (B 1553) This publication shows home gardeners how to propagate many of their favorite landscape plants from cuttings at a home garden scale, using tools and resources available to them.
  • Water-Wise Landscape Guide for the Georgia Piedmont (B 1444) Do you want a landscape that is beautiful, saves you time, effort and money and uses less water? If you do, a water-wise landscape is for you. Water-wise landscapes are designed, organized, and mainta…
Sheri Dorn Senior Public Service Associate & State Master Gardener Coordinator sdorn@uga.edu Extension Profile