Publications By Pamela R. Turner
Be Aware of Your Indoor Air (C 2579) Did you know the air inside buildings is nearly always more polluted than outside air? Learn the types of indoor air pollution and what you can do. This publication was originally published by the L…
Breathe Easy: Understanding and Controlling Asthma (C 1270) Asthma is a lung disease that affects millions of adults and children, and can be triggered by numerous indoor pollutants such as mold, cockroaches, dust mites, pet dander, and secondhand smoke. There…
Building Radon Safe (C 1301) How Radon-Resistant New Construction can Make Homes Safer and Save Money. Radon is a naturally occurring radioactive gas that forms when uranium breaks down in soil, rock, and water. This naturally oc…
Childproofing Your Home: A Room-by-Room Safety Checklist (C 1049) Nearly 2.3 million children are accidentally injured every year and more than 2,500 are killed, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Since one of the biggest threats to ch…
Cleaning Healthy, Cleaning Green (C 1114) People spend an average of 90 percent of their time indoors. Studies conducted by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) show levels of several common organic pollutants to be two to five times hig…
Don't Let the Bed Bugs Bite: Avoiding Bed Bugs in Your Home (C 1108) This publication presents helpful information about bed bugs and ways to reduce the risk of bringing them into your home. The circular includes a helpful guide to shopping for secondhand items. For a…
Hazardous Household Products: What's in Your House? (C 1051) Our homes are filled with potentially hazardous household products we use for cleaning, gardening, auto maintenance and other activities around the house. These products may contain ingredients that c…
Health Insurance: What You Should Know About Preventive Health Care (C 1120) This circular provides a brief overview of health insurance and common terms associated with health insurance. The publication focuses on preventive health care, specifically common preventive health …
Healthy Homes: Dealing with Household Clutter (C 1067) Clutter is a collection of things lying around in an untidy mess, usually because we don't have a designated place for it. Household clutter has a big impact on your health and quality of life. This p…
Home Emergency Preparedness Checklist (B 1428-1) A two-page checklist of the basic list of supplies you should have ready for emergencies. Keep the items you will most likely need during an evacuation in an easy-to-carry, waterproof container. Be mi…
Home Emergency Preparedness Handbook (B 1428) Communities across Georgia are subject to a number of potential disasters such as fires, flooding, severe storms, earthquakes, dam failures, tornados and hurricanes. While we all hope that such occurr…
Home Maintenance Checklist (C 1082) Just like your personal health, your home's health will decline without regular care and maintenance. Maintaining a healthy indoor environment helps increase your quality of life and the life of your …
Home Safety Checklist (B 1429) Falls are the leading cause of injury and injury death for people 65 and older. Trips and falls may be caused by a number of potential hazards, including clutter, rugs, furniture, and extension cords.…
Household Water Quality Series: Coliform Bacteria in Your Water (C 858-7) This publication contains information about identifying and controlling coliform bacteria in household water.
Household Water Quality Series: Corrosive or Scaling Water (C 858-9) Corrosiveness or scaling is an inherent property of some groundwater and is related to the type of rocks or sediments in contact with the groundwater. Corrosion is caused when water reacts with and di…
Household Water Quality Series: Disinfecting Your Well Water: Shock Chlorination (C 858-4) Shock chlorination is the process by which home water systems such as wells, springs, and cisterns are disinfected using household liquid bleach (or chlorine). Shock chlorination is the most widely re…
Household Water Quality Series: Home Water Quality and Treatment (C 858-3) The quality of your water supply can have both an immediate and a prolonged effect on the health of your household. Many Americans, especially those dependent upon well water, assume that their water …
Household Water Quality Series: Household Water Treatment Techniques and Devices: Activated Carbon Filtration (B 1542) Activated carbon, also called activated charcoal, is usually produced from charcoal in granular or powdered form. It is a form of carbon that has been processed (activated) to make it highly porous, w…
Household Water Quality Series: Household Water Treatment: Mechanical Filtration Methods and Devices (B 1523) Mechanical filtration removes suspended solids and dirt to greatly improve the clarity of water. Various kinds of mechanical filtration methods and devices are available for home water treatments. Pri…
Household Water Quality Series: Household Water Treatment: Oxidizing Filters (B 1563) Private well waters often contain high levels of iron, manganese, and hydrogen-sulfide. While these contaminants are not considered to have any human health consequences, they can cause various issues…
Household Water Quality Series: Hydrogen Sulfide and Sulfate (C 858-8) This publication describes hydrogen sulfide and sulfate and its effects on household water quality.
Household Water Quality Series: Iron and Manganese (C 858-11) Elevated levels of iron (Fe) and manganese (Mn) are two of the most common water quality problems in Georgia's groundwater. This circular addresses problems associated with high levels of these two el…
Household Water Quality Series: Lead and Copper (C 858-10) Private wells are exclusively supplied by groundwater. The source waters for most public water systems in south Georgia (and some in north Georgia) are also supplied by groundwater. Generally, lead an…
Household Water Quality Series: Mercury in Your Water (C 858-13) Mercury in your drinking water poses a threat to your health. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has set the current standard for mercury in drinking water at 2 parts per billion (ppb). Th…
Household Water Quality Series: Nitrate and Nitrite in Water (C 858-5) Private well owners are responsible for the safety of their drinking water. Maintaining a healthy well requires routine testing for possible contaminants, including nitrate and nitrite. To assist in w…
Household Water Quality Series: Pesticides, Petroleum Products, and Other Organic Chemicals (C 858-6) Municipal water systems are required by law to be monitored for many contaminants found in pesticides, solvents, and petroleum products. However, if your water comes from a private well or from a syst…
Household Water Quality Series: Protecting Your Well and Wellhead (C858-1) If you are one of the many Americans who use groundwater for drinking, the proper protection of your well and wellhead is essential for the health of your family, yourself and your neighbors. This pub…
Household Water Quality Series: Radon in Your Water (C 858-16) Radon is a naturally occurring, radioactive gas formed from the decay of uranium and radium found in geologic deposits. Exposure to radon gas most commonly occurs through elevated levels in home air. …
Household Water Quality Series: Removal of Hydrogen Sulfide and Sulfate (C 858-15) This publication explains how to identify and remove hydrogen sulfide and sulfate from household water.
Household Water Quality Series: Testing for Water Quality (C 858-2) The quality and safety of drinking water is of great concern to many Americans today because of an increased interest in health and environmental quality. This new focus on water quality has led many …
Household Water Treatment: Disinfection Methods and Devices (B 1487) Pathogens in household waters pose a serious threat to human health. The Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) have recorded many drinking water microbial-associated disease outbreaks in the…
Improving the Condition of Your Drinking Water Well (B 1152-03) About 95 percent of Georgia's rural residents depend on groundwater to supply their drinking water and farm needs. Wells are designed to provide clean water. If improperly constructed and maintained, …
Leasing Smart in Georgia (C 1217) This publication offers guidance on shopping for rental housing, leasing, moving in, handling repairs, dealing with problems, paying rent, moving out, and fair housing. For more information about rent…
Leave it at the Door: A Guide to Reducing Contaminants in Your Home (C 1070) There may be insect fragments, lead dust, pesticides, pollen, dust mites, animal dander, hair, human skin flakes, fungal spores, or cigarette ash in household dust. Around 30 to 40 percent of the cont…
Mold, the Uninvited Guest Series: Preventing Mold in Your Home (C 1047-1) Mold in your home is not only unsightly, it can also cause health problems. If you have mold growing in your home, you may experience allergy-like symptoms, asthma attacks, or other negative health ef…
Mold, the Uninvited Guest Series: Removing Mold in Your Home (C 1047-2) Mold grows from spores, which are found naturally in the air and cannot be seen by the naked eye. Mold spores act like seeds, causing mold to grow under the right conditions. Mold itself is usually ea…
PFAS: Perfluoroalkyl and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (TP 119) This temporary publication has been replaced by the permanent Extension Bulletin 1577. Perfluoroalkyl and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) are a group of more than 9,000 manmade synthetic chemicals t…
PFAS: Perfluoroalkyl and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (B 1577) Perfluoroalkyl and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) are a group of more than 9,000 manmade chemicals that have been in use worldwide since 1940, primarily in industry and numerous commercial and cons…
Protect Children: The Delicates that Matter (C 1109) Simple steps can stop preventable accidents in the laundry room. Laundry packets are used by millions of consumers and households each year and contain a highly-concentrated, pre-measured dose of dete…
Radon Mitigation Dos and Don'ts (C 1065) Radon is the second leading cause of lung cancer in the United States. A radon reduction system (radon mitigation) reduces high levels of indoor radon to acceptable levels. The system most frequently …
Rethink Waste Series: Recycle (C 1050-2) In today's disposable economy, it often seems easier to throw away old products and buy new ones. Because everything we need can be produced so quickly and cheaply, we tend to ignore the repercussions…
Rethink Waste Series: Reduce (C 1050-1) Reducing your actual rate of consumption is the most efficient way to manage the worldwide waste problem. This publication provides strategies you can implement to reduce the amount of waste you and y…
Safe at Home: Preventing Lung Cancer by Reducing Radon in the Home (C 1296) Radon may be found in one out of every 15 homes and is the second leading cause of lung cancer in the United States. This gas can enter your home through cracks and holes in the foundation, or even un…
Spanish Series: Hogares Saludables: Cómo Eliminar el Moho en su Hugar (C 1047-2-SP) El moho crece a partir de las esporas, que se encuentran naturalmente en el aire y no se pueden ver a simple vista. Las esporas de moho actúan como semillas, haciendo que el moho crezca si las condici…
Spanish Series: Las Recetas de Limpieza Ecológicas para un Hogar Saludable (C 1117-SP) ? Las siguientes páginas “Limpieza ecológica: Recetas para un Hogar Saludable”, deben imprimirse por las dos caras de un papel de calidad gruesa. ? Las recetas con números impares se imprimirán en un …
Spanish Series: Lista de Verificación para el Mantenimiento del Hogar (C 1082-SP) Al igual que su salud personal, la salud de su hogar se deteriorará sin un cuidado y mantenimiento regular. Mantener un ambiente interior saludable ayuda a aumentar su calidad de vida y la vida de su …
Spanish Series: Lista de Verificación para Moho y Humedad (C 1083-SP) Las esporas del moho solo necesitan un ambiente favorable, alimentos (madera, papel, alfombra, etc.) y humedad para crecer. Si no se detecta o se trata, el moho puede provocar efectos negativos para l…
Tips to Prevent Accidental Poisonings: Poison Look-Alikes and Other Dangers (C 1227) Accidental poisonings from medications and household products could happen to anyone. Poison look-alike products are potentially harmful substances that can easily be mistaken for safe ones, usually b…
When Your Income Drops Series: Housing: Your Top Priority (C 1041-6) Keeping a roof over your head is an important concern when your income drops or doesn't go as far as it used to. Careful planning can help you avoid eviction from your rental unit or the loss of your …
Pamela R. Turner
Professor and Extension Housing & Indoor Environment Specialist
Extension Profile