
海角官方首页 Cooperative Extension is a collaboration between and .

海角官方首页 Extension Office

Our Impact

Making A Difference in Our County

University of Georgia Cooperative Extension is working hard for its constituents. The following are examples of Extension’s impact in the county over the past year.

Agriculture and Natural Resources

The mission of Cooperative Extension is to translate science of everyday living for farmers, families, and communities to foster a healthy and prosperous Georgia. As agriculture is our state’s top industry, we aspire to touch the lives of all Georgians from career farmers to urbans gardeners. All 海角官方首页 Extension offices offer soil and water testing. Soil tests provide recommendations for optimum plant growing conditions and water tests troubleshoot well water concerns. Extension offices also process insect, disease, and plant issues for clientele. Although Screven County has not had an Agriculture & Natural Resources (ANR) Agent in the county Extension office, we strive to continue to offer our farmers the best service through partnerships with agents and specialist in surrounding counties.

4-H Youth Development

The mission of Georgia 4-H is to assist youth in acquiring knowledge, developing life skills and forming attitudes that will enable them to become self-directing, productive, and contributing members of society. No matter the demographics in your community, we aim to offer all youth an equal opportunity to succeed. All 4-H programming offered through the local Extension office contains three core programs: In-School and Local Program Delivery, 4-H Summer Camp, and 4-H Project Achievement. Although Screven County has not had a 4-H Agent in the county Extension office, we continue to strive to uphold this standard for the 2,900 youth under the age of 18 (based on the 2021 census).


Family and Consumer Sciences

Although Screven County does not have a Family and Consumer Sciences (FACS) agent based in the county Extension office, existing staff seek to offer support to the members of our local community with their questions and concerns. Most frequently asked questions span from areas of food safety, food preservation, dealing with mold and mildew, healthy meal planning, nutrition, family budgeting, Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program Education (SNAP-Ed) resources and more. These issues and many others can be answered through a wide variety of free 海角官方首页 Extension publications available at the county office and online. There is also the potential to organize phone conferences with FACS agents from surrounding counties. Neighboring FACS agents often conduct programming that our county residents are welcome to attend. Our office strives to provide the most up-to-date information regarding relevant programming in surrounding counties and aid in navigating the plethora of information available through Extension.

Download Our Annual Report (pdf)