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Our Impact

Making A Difference in Our County

University of Georgia Cooperative Extension is working hard for its constituents. The following are examples of Extension’s impact in the county over the past year.

Agriculture and Natural Resources

Schley County Cooperative Extension Agriculture and Natural Resources Agent Bill Starr works closely with people in the county to manage their lands for forestry products and wildlife management. Working with landowners across the county to better manage their lands has allowed the county agent to see the needs of the landowners. Most landowners have ben improperly calibrating their sprayers and spreaders. This has caused problems in weed control in food plots across the county. The Wildlife Management Programs that are provided help increase yearlong nutrition and health of the wildlife population. They provide information needed to grow better food plots and to increase forage and browsing.

Soil samples are taken to give better recommendations on lime and fertilization needs. Weed control and identification is another part of the program. The county agent provides information on crops that grow well in the area, as well as demonstrating how to properly calibrate a sprayer for weed control. The county agent has worked with property owners to properly calibrate their sprayers so they can better utilize the tools they have at hand.

Properly calibrated sprayers allow the landowner to reduce the weed competition in their food plots as well as reduce the risk for herbicide resistance build of in certain weed species like redroot pigweed and yellow nutsedge. This also helps financially so producers are not putting out to much herbicide. Since meeting with the county agent, landowners are able to calibrate sprayers and better manage their property in the county. Landowners have seen increase in food plot production and a decrease in troublesome weeds.

Schley County Extension is not only for managing forestry and wildlife but also for those interested in gardening, lawncare, or any issues dealing with agriculture.?

4-H Youth Development

Our 4-H Youth Development programs help young people and adult volunteers find a supportive environment where they learn together and are challenged to reach their full potential. In a cooperative effort with Schley County Schools, youth in grades 4-12 participate in monthly educational programs that cover subjects such as environmental science, healthy lifestyles and agricultural awareness. In 2022, Schley County 4-H held many special interest clubs such as a Mad Scientists STEM Club and our various community service activities! Additionally, we had 4 4-H'ers to participate in 4-H Summer Camp and other leadership building opportunities which allow them to expand their horizons and help to prepare them for future involvement in our community. Many of our 4-H’ers typically perform community service projects, either as requirements or enhancements to their other project work. In turn the community gains a generation of young people who care about where they live and are willing to make a commitment to improvement.

Download Our Annual Report (pdf)