
海角官方首页 Cooperative Extension is a collaboration between and .

海角官方首页 Extension Office

Our Impact

Making A Difference in Our County

University of Georgia Cooperative Extension is working hard for its constituents. The following are examples of Extension’s impact on the county over the past year.


In 2023, Henry County 4-H received a generous donation of $15,000 of VEX Robotics equipment from Henry County Government. This equipment allowed for an updated approach to the Henry County 4-H Robotics Club. Since the implementation of the 4-H VEX Robotics Club, Henry County 4-H has seen an 18.75% increase in STEM related membership numbers. 60% of these participants come from minority groups, which are a hard-to-reach audience for STEM programming. Furthermore, 15.7% of participants have engaged in a STEM career related tour or interview since joining the club.


Agriculture and Natural Resources personnel provide research-based information on agriculture and natural resources to all residents. They assisted homeowners, farmers, and landowners by providing educational seminars and virtual webinars on many topics, including landscaping, controlling invasive species, protecting native pollinators, and managing soil fertility. Educational programming is developed and designed to assist individuals in making sound economic and environmental decisions that affect everyday life.?

海角官方首页 Extension Henry County hosted 258 homeowners for the monthly. Lunch and Learn, educational
programs covering various topics of interest to homeowners, such as landscape design, vegetable
gardening, lawn care, honeybees, and pruning. After the program, participants received an evaluation of
the program. 97% said they learned something new and will make changes to their home landscape
because of the program. On the honeybee presentation, one commented, "The program on honeybees
has encouraged me to start beekeeping as a new hobby." Another said: "The program information has
encouraged me to use more caution and seek the reduction of using pesticides to prevent from harming
honeybees." For the program on mosquito control, a participant commented, "I was not aware of all the
places mosquitoes can breed. From what I have learned, I will thoroughly examine my property to reduce
anything they could use for breeding."


Henry County Extension continues to take a multi-faceted approach to obesity by regularly providing
information (e. g., health and wellness classes; classes focusing on physical activity, healthy eating, and
healthy food choices) for direct education, behavioral changes and environmental changes to improve the
overall health of the community. These efforts target prevention of obesity-related chronic conditions, like
heart disease and stroke, cancer and diabetes.

During the summer months, Henry County Extension holds a weekly farmers market. The Agent offered
nutritional information and healthy recipes to customers to use with their local produce. Approximately
1,200 customers patronized the market, and about 70 percent of those stopped by the Agent's booth.
Several followed up with the office for additional information. Agent conducted monthly healthy eating and
exercise programs at the three senior centers in the County. Approximately 129 attended for the year.
The Walk-a-Weigh program provided nutritional information to 17 participants. Agent also demonstrated
the preparation of a healthy recipe each week. Over the course of eight weeks, participants walked two
miles together weekly. Participants lost a total of 80 pounds (almost five pounds per person).
Approximately 85 percent of the evaluations received indicated a very or extremely likely potential to
adopt new positive behaviors and habits going forward, especially walking 30 minutes per day. One
participant said, "I think the most beneficial part of the program is walking as a group to motivate each
other and choosing healthy choices." The Walk-a Weigh program was so well received, that the County
Manager asked the Agent to conduct a second session just for county employees. A total of 16
participants lost approximately 30 pounds.