Cloverleaf 4th-6th Project Achievement Competition
What is Project Achievement Competition?
It’s for 4th—6th grade students to do a presentation on a topic of their choice. Similar
to “show and tell” using researched information on the topic. Must be educational.
“Performing Arts” categories demonstrate without a speech.
Create posters to share the information highlights and use photos.?
NEW: Digital Technology can be used. Must be on a thumb drive provided by 4-H and approved prior.
No need to buy supplies, the 4-H Office has them.
Project Achievement helps develop skills for a lifetime.?4-H’ers pick a project area of interest (Ex: Veterinary science, cars, cooking, etc.), research the topic, write/develop an illustrated talk, and then present their presentation to others (ie. classmates, 4-H staff, or judges). As your child gets older (7th-12th grade), a record-keeping component is added for 4-H Project Achievement, but for our Cloverleafs (5th-6th grades), it’s all about sharing knowledge. For a Cloverleaf 4-H’er, the presentation may be at school, a county-level competition, and/or a district-level competition.
4-H'ers should pay attention at the beginning of the school year during 4-H club time to find out more information about Project Achievement. We will be using to learn how to get started with your project.
4-H'ers will need to make an appointment with the Extension office to discuss their project individually.
Can I do a PowerPoint presentation?
Yes. The Presentation must be downloaded on a 4-H thumb drive from our office.
Can I perform?
Yes, there are Performing Arts categories. Do NOT give a speech; only judge based on performance.
Can someone help the student prepare?
Yes, this is a learning experience, and guidance is suggested. It needs to be the student’s work, but it can be assisted. 4-H Staff will be happy to help. Just call and set up an appointment. 4-H has poster boards and resources to make visual aids.
Can parents/family attend?
Yes, but the number may be limited in the presentation room.
***Questions*** Contact Harris County 4-H
706-628-4824 or Adrianne Cox? @