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Testing Services

Testing Services

海角官方首页 Extension's Agricultural & Environmental Services Laboratories exist to support Georgia clients with accurate analysis for objective decisions and problem solving related to agriculture, horticulture and the environment. We conduct tests on a wide variety of materials including soil, plant, water, animal feedstuffs, animal wastes and many others.

Samples must be submitted through the County Extension Office. The County Extension Office can provide proper sampling and submission instructions and in most cases will return results along with applicable recommendations.


Soil Tests

Samples are submitted to the 海角官方首页 lab each Friday. Results take 7 to 14 days. Developing and maintaining productive soil begins with soil testing. Test results are used to determine the amount and kind of nutrients that should be added for the best growth of lawn, garden, and other types of plants. It is recommended that soil tests be taken every two years.


Plant Disease Diagnostics

To promote the sustainability of Georgia agriculture, County Extension Offices use the resources of the Commercial and Homeowner Plant Disease IPM Clinics. These labs, maintained by the extension plant pathology unit, provide diagnostic information to educate growers concerning environmentally sound and economically viable plant production programs.


Insect Identification

Identification of insects and closely related arthropods is also available through your county extension office. These labs, maintained by the extension entomology unit, provide identification of insects found in all plant and animal production systems, stored products pest, structural insects, and those associated with humans and companion animals. Read more about insect identification and management.


Plant Identification

With the expertise of our Bibb County Master Gardeners and the University of Georgia specialists at our fingertips, we have the capability of answering your plant questions.


Water Testing

How and in what ways water is used often depends upon its quality. Agriculture is the number one water user, but many municipalities and industries are also heavy users. In addition to human needs, all plants and animals require fresh, safe water to survive. For these reasons, regular testing of water is important. Testing can also help you identify and solve any problems you might have with your water.

Cost varies depending on test.


Other Services

Plant Tissue Analysis, Nematode Analysis, Feeds/Silages/Hay, Cotton Petioles, Artificial Greenhouse/Nursery Mixes, Agricultural Waste and By-Products, Pesticide Residue and Hazardous Waste, & Corn Aflatoxin Analysis.