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Our Impact

Making A Difference in Our County

University of Georgia Cooperative Extension is working hard for its constituents. The following are examples of Extension’s impact in the county over the past year.

Agriculture and Natural Resources

The Charlton County Extension Agriculture and Natural Resources program offers many services to local clientele. The program offers soil, water and plant analysis through the university’s laboratories, as well as in-office and on-site consultations on a wide array of issues. The Extension agent assists clients with issues such as pond management, lawn health and maintenance, gardening issues and strategies, forestry, horticulture and livestock care and maintenance. 海角官方首页 Extension agents play a vital role in the success of the agricultural industry through the distribution of university-based research for clientele to use on the farm or at home. Agriculture in Charlton County has a farm gate value of $19 million annually.

The Charlton County Storm Water Project is slated to begin in spring 2020. The goals for this project are to access potential spots for implementing stormwater best management practices (BMP) around and near the Charlton County Extension Office; install a stormwater system that will allow water to be stored on site and released; provide educational opportunities for contractors, volunteers and youth in Charlton County; and monitor installed stormwater BMPs to better learn how they operate.

4-H Youth Development

Charlton County 4-H is excited to have the participation of 4th-12th grade students this year. Including these high school students has increased activity and interest in 4-H competitions and activities. Highlights from the past year include participation in standard 4-H events such as District Project Achievement (DPA), Cloverleaf Camp, State Council, Cotton Boll and Consumer Judging, Livestock Judging, Horse Club and several other activities.

Charlton County has expanded its specialty clubs to include the Community Clovers Club and Horse Club. We are excited to start these programs, and already have great participation numbers. Charlton County took it a step further and our summer programs ROCKED! Charlton County 4-H’ers had the opportunity to attend 4 summer day programs. Cloverelaf 4-H camp was held at Rock Eagle 4-H Center and Junior Camp was at Jekyll Island 4-H Center. We also have many students participating in Senior Camp at Rock Eagle.

The Charlton 4-H office organized 4-H Ag Day begining in 2021 and have had two successful years of this event. Ag Day is a community wide agriculture educational event. The purpose of the event is to teach the community more about the agriculture industry and its importance in our daily lives.

The Charlton County 4-H office established the Care Closet in 2022 as a method of community outreach. This Care Closet is a community tool for any persoanl supplies. We appreciate all the donations we receive for the Care Closet. We have created an Amazon wishlist for anyone able to purchase supplies for the Care Closet.


Stay up to date on 4-H events through our Facebook page. 海角官方首页 Extension-Charlton County

?Charlton County 4-H is excited about our continued growth, and we look forward to continuing to “make the best better.”

Download Our Annual Report (pdf)
