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Members present were CCMG, Inc. president Marc Teffeau, Immediate CCMG Past President Susan Franklin, Past State President Dot Martin, Treasurer Diane Walton, Secretary Joan McFather, Lois Andresen, Evelyn Balejcsik, Pat Bowen, Russell Brannon, Pat Burgess, Becky Dixon, Julia Fuller, Melora Hiler, Stephanie Howard, Carol Jackson, Lynn Knotts, Karen Lail, Judy Lester, Shirley Lowe, Janis Lytle, Debbie Meadows, Portia Moseka, Carol Mumaw, Jan Nicholson, Janet Peeler, Gerald Phillips, Eva Plachy, Pam Raines, Linda Robbins, Gail Roos, Mary Ellen Roos, Dick Rubant, Jennifer Ruscilli, Mary Schuster, Gerry Slaughter, Diane Smith, Ed Stumler, Mary Ann Szostak, Suzi Thomas, Glenda Thompson, Katie VanHiel, and Marcia Winchester. Extension Agent Josh Fuder was also present, as was guest Janet Peake. CALL TO ORDER President Marc called the business meeting together at 10:04 a.m. Judy Lester moved and Pat Bowen seconded a motion to approve the meeting agenda with the addition of the Ready, Set, Grow report. MINUTES OF THE NOVEMBER MEETING - Joan McFather Joan McFather read aloud corrections to the November 2017 meeting minutes. Mary Ellen Roos moved and Susan Franklin seconded a motion to accept the minutes as corrected, and they were approved. Joan passed the attendance clipboard. TREASURERS REPORT Diane Walton Diane Walton presented both the November and December I&E reports. [Posted for November: Cash on Hand as of October 31, 2017 was a balance of $4525.73. Deposits in November, $28.00, transfer from money Market $50.00. Expenses in November: $489.40. Transfer to Money Market Account $100.00, leaving a November 30, 2017 balance in the operating account of $4714.33. Donations/dedicated funds is $700.00. The money market account balance is $2806.76. Total Cash Available $6821.09. {See secretarys book for entire report}.] [Posted for December: Cash on Hand as of November 30, 2017 was a balance of $4014.33. Deposits in December, $1048.00, transfer from money Market $50.00. Expenses in December: $1880.50. Transfer to Money Market Account $100.00, leaving a December 31, 2017 balance in the operating account of $3831.83. Donations/dedicated funds is $700.00. The money market account balance is $2856.84. Total Cash Available $5988.67. {See secretarys book for entire report}.] Gerry Slaughter moved and Ed Stumler seconded approval of the two reports. The motion carried. Diane remarked that she will reissue the December report to reflect raffle income from the December social event. Copies of the proposed annual budget are available. EXTENSION AGENTS REPORT Josh Fuder Josh reminded everyone to fill out their recommitment forms, either on line or today using a hard copy. He is still reviewing MG projectschairmen, be sure to submit a year-end review. There is still time to enter MG Log hours. Josh will help if needed. Classes The February 1 Advanced Master Gardener class on home fruit production is almost full. On February 17, Josh will begin a county program for potential Master Gardeners. He could use MG presenter help. Portia Moseka volunteered. A full set of MG classes shared with surrounding counties and utilizing specialists will not be advertised until October of this year to begin in January of 2019. The fruit-bearing plant sale will begin this week. Orders may be taken until March 21. Shrubs will arrive on March 29 and be available for pickup on March 30. OUTGOING OFFICERS RECOGNITION Marc Teffeau In appreciation for years of diligence in the Master Gardener cause, Marc awarded plaques to Dot Martin for previous leadership in our organization and as president of GMGA and Susan Franklin for all her work as president and past president of CCMG. Mary Ellen Roos then acknowledged Marcs work as retiring current president. UNFINISHED BUSINESS President nomination and election: Marc announced that Mary Ellen Roos had agreed to serve if elected. Glenda Thompson moved and Marcia Winchester seconded the election Mary Ellen Roos as the 2018 president of Master Gardeners, Inc. Mary Ellen was elected unanimously. Mary Ellen then offered some acceptance remarks stressing the need to move forward with policies and procedures and recognize the CCMG Mission Statement: "To stimulate the love for and increase the knowledge of gardening and to voluntarily and enthusiastically share that knowledge with others." She encouraged all to be those enthusiastic volunteers. NEW BUSINESS Approval of the 2018 Proposed Budget Diane Walton After a question as to sales tax, which we will still be obligated to pay, Susan Franklin moved to accept the budget as presented, Gerald Phillips seconded and the 2018 budget was approved. Installation of 2018 Officers and Board Marc Teffeau Marc read the responsibilities of each officer and board member, supplying an appropriate candy bar to each as a token of the organizations faith that each would do her job in accordance with those responsibilities. Installed were President: Mary Ellen Roos President Elect: Karen Lail Secretary: Joan McFather Treasurer: Diane Walton Past President: Marc Teffeau Board Member at Large, 2 Year Term: Judy Lester (Absent Board Member at Large, 2 Year Term: Denise Stephens will be installed later) ACTIVITIES REPORTS Bylaws Committee Report Gerry Slaughter Gerry announced that the completed Master Gardeners, Inc. Bylaws, dated November 21, 2017, should be entered into the minutes of this regular business meeting. A hard copy has been signed by then-president Marc Teffeau and secretary Joan McFather to be kept in the secretarys materials. Joan also will scan the document for electronic recordkeeping. Josh will allow it on the portion of the website with CCMG info. Seminar Series Planning Karen Lail Karen announced that dates and times for next years Seminar Series are being finalized. A brochure should be sent to the printed by the end of the week. Ready, Set, Grow Diane Walton Diane announced that the first round robin seminar will be held on March 17. She passed a sign up sheet while commenting on the successes of last years sessions, each attended by about 40 people. Lasting from 8:30 to 1:30, the 5 seminars will also have demo tables of relevant materials, and opportunities for snack lunching. Diane encouraged all to sign up, since it is a large undertaking. December Social Committee Katie Van Hiel Katie reported that the December party was a success, with 60 or so members and guests attending. The new management meant different issues of communication, but the staff was very accommodating, including creating the table decorations. A skilled student guitarist from Reinhardt University provided background music, and the 18 baskets in Susan Frankins capable hands brought in a record $475 of raffle income. The dessert table lived up to its reputation. The committee will continue to look for an affordable alternate location in the Woodstock area. Care and Share Mary Ellen Roos Mary Ellen noted that Janis Marshall-Kroen has again hit problems with her chemo. Husband Lance continues to improve. Ros Stampf has moved to assisted living at the Arbors. Mary Ellen can provide the address. Jim and Cherry Saylors are waiting for spring to get back into involvement. Maurya Jones husband is recovering from successful hip surgery and her son is having surgeryon Wednesday. Newsletter, Demo Garden, Etc. Marcia Winchester We have 126 Mail Chimp readers of the newsletter, plus those who receive it in other ways. The Feb/Mar issue will include a new Kids Corner. Mary Lou Freil is leaving the newsletter staff and Marci needs a replacement, someone knowledgeable of Publisher, which Master Gardeners can purchase and download to your home. Please contact Marcia [mwinc@comcast.net]. Seed Separating: the party will be on March 6 at 10 a.m. in the Bluffs meeting room. Garden workers at the Demo Garden adopted 5 seniors for Christmas and had $40 leftover funds that they donated to the Animal Shelter next door. Joan read a thank you note from the staff at the shelter. Thursday, January 18 at 1 p.m. tables will be set up inside at the Senior Center at the Senior Center to work on a plant list with identifying plants in the heirloom garden and front. This will help with self-guided tour identification. On January 27, a Saturday, at 11 a.m. there will be a demonstration of how to plant daffodils. Gerald will bring his drill to illustrate. On February 6 at 3:30 there will be a pruning class at the Demo Garden exclusively for Glenda Thompsons garden club. Shirley Lowe will prune roses and Marcia will tackle trees and shrubs. Garden Clubs may contact Glenda to arrange a demonstration at the garden on a wide range of topics. [thompsonkelly@bellsouth.net] Further activity on the hill will have to wait on the shelter fence that probably wont be erected until after the barn is built. Marcia will be absent at the February meeting. Would someone else like to take care of door prizes? Contact her. Judy Lester mentioned appreciation for her committee that works with the seniors at the center: Janet Peeler, Shirley Lowe, Many Ann Szostak, Julia Fuller and Veronica Steffensmeier. Plant Clinics Ed Stumler Ed will have a meeting soon to discuss new ways of impacting the public. Poppas Pantry, Seed Library Gerald Phillips Pantry garden: Gerald reported that the Eagle Scout has finished 3 raised beds of a 4 foot height. In relation to the project Gerald was interviewed, and the interview will be on television. There is nothing in the garden at present except garlic. Gerald will have a meeting soon to determine work days. Seed library: Gerald, Susan and Josh are working on collecting seeds from various companies. Gerald hopes to expand to Woodstock. Mail Chimp Dot Martin Dot says she is not tech savvy but is trying to work out glitches. She pointed out the to receive the newsletter this way, individuals must fill out a hardcopy form; joining cannot be done via email. GMGA Dot Martin Membership starts in January each year. Be sure to join: CCMG will receive $5.00 per member. Field trips will include one to Brandywine, PA in May for 4-5 days. Meanwhile they will attend the Southeastern Flower Show on February 23. You must be a member to participate. Scholarship Committee Russell Brannon Russell said he would schedule a meeting next week. Holly Springs Development Marc Teffeau Marc plans to contact Rob Logan to determine their schedule and then consider fundraising. ANNOUNCEMENTS Marcia mentioned the newsletter from the Botanical Society, BotSoc. Marcia emailed: The demo garden is in need of 3-gallon pots. Please take on a workday so they can be stored appropriately. Marcia also emailed: We will be separating and packaging seeds that we have harvested onTues. Mar 6 at 10amat the Bluffs where we have our meeting. We will break for lunch about 1230 and then regroup and finish. This is limited to 20 volunteers. Besides packaging seeds we will discuss each kind of seed and the plant. I will also be giving away last years unsold seeds. Let me know if you want to help. Marcia ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, Gerry Slaughter moved and Carol Jackson seconded adjournment of the meeting at 11:23 p.m. Door prizes were awarded thereafter.  &'>Xhj {   ! B O V  ! 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Bluffs Conference CenterN%H''7EDH'@7@I8@E@H,@7 2 Z G#2  January 16, 2018)@HH@7@GGGHGG 2   H 2 t8 G@Cambria-2 8PThe regular monthly meeting of the Cherokee County Master Gardeners was held on GB;2;;B!;2d@B)B <d;;)!C;@$)B;DB;2@>;;C@BC)<b;4(;2I;2B;C:24]:4B;!C@C2 8 Tuesday, GB;4C;<%2 January 16, 2018, %;CA;2<BBBCBB2   at the Bluf;))B;I!B%,2  fs Conference Center. %4D@C$;1;C5;C;C(:22   Members prb;dA;14C22 esent :4;B(2 were ];2;2 8QCCMG, Inc. president Marc Teffeau, Immediate CCMG Past President Susan Franklin, DDbI'C5B2:4!C;B)b;25G;$$;;B'cd;C!:);CDbID;4)D2;4!B;C)<B3;C@2:C?!!C:2 8Past State President Dot MartinsD;4););(;D2;4 C;B)O@)b;2)!C22  , Treasurer Diane Walton, G1;;3B2;2O!;C;o:!)@B12 Secretary Joan McFather, <;51;(;2<%@;Cb5@;)B;12 38 Lois Andresen@@!4KCC2:4;C:2 3, Evelyn Balejcsik, Pat Bowen, sE<; <CI;!; 54!?D;)I?];C82 3 Russell Brannon, Pat Burgess, KB34; !I2;CB@CD;)IB2;;432 3Becky I;5?<2 8DiO!&2 xon, Julia Fuller,:@C%B!!;@B!!;2 2   2 Melora Hiler, b;!?2;R!!;1=2  !Stephanie Howard, Carol Jackson, <(;CA;C!;R@];2BD:2@!%;5?3@C2  Lynn Knotts, @<CCLC@)(42 M 8Karen L.L;1;C@L2 M +ail, Judy Lester, Shirley Lowe, Janis Lytle;!!%BC<@;4);1<B!2!;<@@];%:C!4@<)!;=2 M !, Debbie Meadows, Portia Moseka, O;BB!;a;;B@]3D@2)!;b?3;?;J2 8*Carol Mumaw, Jan Nicholson, Janet Peeler, D;1@!bBd;]$;CR!5B@!4@B%;C:)D:;!:2+2 Gerald Phillips, Eva I;1;!CDB!!!!B3E<;&2 Plachy, Pam RainesD!;5B<D;dK;!C;42 , 2 f 8 Linda Robbi,@!CC;K@BB!2 f ns, C372 f MGail Roos, Mary Ellen Roos, I;!!K@?4b;2<E!!;CJ@@4;2 f Dick Rubant, Jennifer Ruscilli, O!5?KBB;C(%:CC!$;2KB45!!!!2 f Mary b:1<42 8Schuster, Gerry Slaughter, l<5BB4):2I;12<<!:B;B);22 Diane Smith, O!;C;<d!)A2 & Ed Stumler, EC<)Bd ;2%2 Mary Ann Szostakb:2<KCC<7@4(;?2 E, 2 xSuzi <A7!G2  8(Thomas, Glenda Thompson, Katie VanHiel, GB@d;4I ;CC;GA@dC4@BL:)!;H;CR!;!A2  $and Marcia Winchester. Extension Ag;CCb;15!;o!C5B;4(;2E:);B4!?CK;2  Vent ;C)82 8Josh Fuder was also present, a%@4B@BC;2];4:!3?C2;3;C):/2 = s was guest Janet Peake.4];4;B:4)%;B;)D;;>; 2  F 2  G-2 %  CALL TO ORDER ENBBMSSOUEO 2 % G H 2  G- 2 ?President MarcD2;4!B;C)b:25G2 ?( called the business meeting together at5; ;C)B;BB4!C:44d:;)!C;)@;;)B:2;) 2 ?  2 ? 10:04 a.m BB BB;d/2 ?. Judy Lester moved and %BC<@;4);1d@<;C;CC2 SPat Bowen seconded a motion to approve the meeting agenda with the addition of the D;)I@];C4;4@CB:C;d@)!@C)@;BC2?<;)B;d;;)!C;;;:CC;]!)B)B;;CC!) @C@$)B;/2 XReady, Set, Grow report.K;:C<<:)I2@]2:C@2( 2 X F 2  G-#2 q MINUTES OF THE f*RQME>SBMWE2 qNORS2 q_VEMBERLEfNEO2 q8  MEETING OfEEN*RN- 2 qt   2 q -( 2 q  Joan McFather%@;Cb5@;)B:2- 2 q G- 2  G2 WJoan McFather read aloud corrections to the November 2017 meeting minutes. Mary Ellen %@;Cb5@;)B:22:;B;!@BC5@12;4)!@C4(@)B;R@<;dA;2BBBBd;;)!C;d!CB);4b;2<E!!;C2 XRoos moved and Susan Franklin seconded a motion to accept the minutes as corrected, and K@?4d@<;C;CC<A4;C@2;C?!!C3;5@BC;C;d?)!@C)@;54;C))B;d!CB):4;44@21;5):C;BC(2 they were approved.)B;<];2;;BC2@<:C 2  F52 1Joan passed the attendance c%@;CC:43;C)B;:)):CC;C5;42 1 lipboard. !!CB@:2B 2 1y  G 2  G-&2 JTREASURERS REPORTMOEN>QOEP>OEKSOM 2 J  2 J< 2 J  2 J$ Diane WaltonU&@H@s@%-DH 2 J  H 2  G@Symbol- 2 k7@"Arial- 2 k }-n2 k8BDiane Walton presented both the November and December I&E reports.O!;C;o;!(@CC2:4:C);CA@)B)B;R@<:dB;2;BCO;5;dA:2'SE2;C?2(4 2 k F2  [Posted*D@4);C2 s  for November$@2Q@<;cB;1&2 V: Cash on Hand as D;4B@CR;CC:42  of October 31@$N5)@B;2BB2  , 2  2017 tBCBB2 was ];4+2 a balance of $4525.73;B;!;C5;@$=BBBBBB2 @. 2  Deposits in O;C@4!(4!C2 & November,iR@<;dB;12 Z $==2 !28.00, transfer from money MarketBBBB)2;C4$:2$2@dd@C;<b;2>;),2  $50.00. Expenses in =BBBBE:C;C4:4!C2 NovemberR@<;dA;22 : $e =2 b489.40BBBBCY2 4. Transfer to Money Market Account $100.00, leaving G2;C4$:2)@b@C;;b;2?;)K54@BC)=BBBBB!;;<!C<2 n a November ;R@<;dB;22 30BB2 }, 2  2017 balanBBCBB;!;CF2 'ce in the operating account of $4714.335;!C)B;@C;2:)!C;;55@BC)@$=BBCBBB2  . .F2 ? 'Donations/dedicated funds is $700.00. O@C;)!@C4;B;C!5;(;C$BCC4!4=BBBBB-C2 *%The money market account balance is $ GB;d@C;<d;2?:);55@BC)B:!;C4;!4=2 * 2806.76.BBCBBB 2 *o  Total Cash AvG@);!D;4AK<2 *D ailable $s;!!;B!;=2 *6821.09.BBBBBC2 *. {1.@Cambria-2 *See :77->2 "secretarys book for entire report.7417)?17.?==<#=17@)!1717?=1)- 2 = }.- 2 k .-2  ] * 2   H,2 C[Posted for December: *D@4):C$@2O;5;dA;2 #2 ChCash on Hand as C;4B@CR;CC;3 2 C of November 30@$R@<;dB;2BB2 C, 2 C32017 0CBBC2 CWwas ];4,2 C=a balance of $4014.33.;B;!;C4;@$=BBCBBB 2 C 2  Deposits in O;C@4!(4!C2 & December,iO;5;dA;22 K $=a2 91048.00, transfer from money Market $50.00. Expenses in BBBBBB)2;C4$;2$2@dd@C;<b;1?;)=BBBBE:C;C4;4!C2 \DecemberO;5;dA;22 \: $e =2 \S1880.50rBBBBCB2 \ . TransferG2;C4$;2J2 \* to Money Market Account $100.00, leaving )@b@B:<b;2?;)K55@BC)<BBBCB!;;<!C;2 \ a December ;P;5;dA;2 2 \3B2 \_1, 0B2  2017 balanBBCBB;!;CF2 'ce in the operating account of $3831.835;!C)B;@C;2:)!C;;55@BC)@$=BBCBBB2  . 0F2 ? 'Donations/dedicated funds is $700.00. O@C;)!@C4;B;C!5;(;C$BCC4!4=BBBBB-C2 v%The money market account balance is $ GB;d@C;<d;2?:);55@BC)B:!;C4;!4=2 v 2856.84.BBCBBB.2 vo  Total Cash Available $G@);!D;4AK<;!!;B!;=2 v5988.67.BBBBBC2 v. {8.-2 vSee :77-                    ՜.+,0  hp|  kRZ-A &Cherokee County Master Gardeners, Inc Title  !"#$%&'()*+-./012356789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~Root Entry Fp9Data ,1Table4]WordDocument$VSummaryInformation(c\6DocumentSummaryInformation8CompObjj  FMicrosoft Word Document MSWordDocWord.Document.89q