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CALL TO ORDER President Mary Ellen called the business meeting together at 10:00 a.m. Mary Schuster moved and Carol Mumaw seconded a motion to approve the meeting agenda. It was passed with no additions. SECRETARYS REPORT Joan McFather Preliminary March 2018 minutes were posted to the website as approved. There being no corrections, the minutes were tacitly approved. Joan passed the attendance clipboard, asking that all present list their correct status of active, lifetime or trainee. She wrote one thank you note. TREASURERS REPORT Diane Walton Diane presented the March I&E. [Posted for March: Cash on Hand as of February 28, 2018 was a balance of $2970.20. Deposits in March, $840.00, plus transfer from money Market $50.00. Expenses in March: $970.00. Transfer to Money Market Account $100.00, leaving a March 31, 2018 balance in the operating account of $2970.20. Donations/dedicated funds is $1100.00. The money market account balance is $3007.05. Total available: $4697.25 {See secretarys book for entire report}.] The treasurers report was accepted as presented. Diane reminded us that after the May meeting she and Pat Bowen will hold a seminar to explain how to apply for grants (Pat) and what follow up to do after you succeed (Diane). EXTENSION AGENTS REPORT Josh Fuder Josh reported that the fruiting plant sale was successful, netting a $2391.00 profit. He has several plants still available. The rabies clinic was also successful, with 1300 animals vaccinated. Josh expressed thanks to the MGs for help with both projects. Tonight an appreciation document will be read at the meeting of the County Commission in relation to Master Gardener Appreciation Day on April 21. The meeting starts at 6 p.m. downstairs. Josh has accepted a Last Wish request for cleanup of flower beds belonging to a patient living on McPherson Drive. Cleanup will take place either Thursday or Friday. Josh is working with Heather ________, a Forsyth County Master Naturalist to arrange a Master Naturalist program shared by Forsyth and Cherokee, venues alternating. The program will last 8 weeks, 1 day per week, in September and October. Josh also asked if there is MG interest in a booth at Soleils Tour of Gardens, June 9, from 9 to 12:30 p.m. Veronica Steffensmiere pointed out that we would need to have something active to draw crowd attention and volunteered to see how such a booth could be incorporated. UNFINISHED BUSINESS Liability Insurance: Marc Teffeau reported for Denise Stephens that Master Gardeners, Inc. is in the process of getting 1 million coverage overall and $500,000 to cover liability for our officers. Signatures are all that remain. Mail Chimp: Dot Martin announced that with some assistance she is now not quite so stressed at dealing with Mail Chimp. NEW BUSINESS New Committee Chair: Stephanie Howard has agreed to lead mentoring responsibilities for Master Gardener trainees. ACTIVITIES REPORTS Seminars: Chair Karen Lail asked that any presenter needing help contact her to secure it. Publicity: Karen added that Publicity Committee needs educating: Marc will assist. Care and Share: Gail Roos asked if everyone was getting her emails. She has sent cards to Steve Baron and Dail Luciani. Please send information to Gail. [gailroos@gmail.com] Plant Sale: Since no one volunteered for the chair-planting tutorial, Marcia will defer that until June or possibly September. Set up for the sale is Friday, April 27, at 10 a.m. at the Senior Center. The sale will start at 9:30 a.m. on Saturday, take-down to follow at 12:30. There is a need for plain plant flats with no dividers. Demo Garden: The Sheriffs Department assisted in moving the greenhouse and some plants. Marcia is interested in establishing a compost system at the Demo Garden with a committee to manage it. The urban garden is in need of assistance with erosion control; the pollinator garden needs help with weeding. There is still a need for flattened cardboard. Suzie Thomas showed copies of National Geographics articles on the Year of the Bird, and pointed out available suet holders and note cards for sale. She will share a suet recipe if there is interest. All funds will go toward bird signage in the garden. Judy Lester reported that a class on herbs will be offered next Tuesday for seniors. Newsletter: Marcia reported that they are working on the June July issue. Poppas Pantry & Seed Library: No report. Holly Springs Project: Marc Teffeau reported that the committee met on March 26th at the Holly Springs Depot. Topic discussed included how to address questions arising from MGs about the project, plus major issues including management, security, liability, the house on the property and manpower. A survey of interest will be forthcoming. A field trip to Henry County is scheduled for April 24 and another to Chattanooga on May 8. Scholarship Committee: Susan Franklin reported that she and Russell attended the awards banquet for Chattahoochee Tech and met Veronica Padgett, a Cherokee resident who is receiving our 2018 scholarship. She is interested in beekeeping and wrote an appreciative letter of thanks. She hopes to meet more of us at Merrilys in June and become involved in MG projects. Susan and Russell met with the committee to discuss solicitation development. They would like suggestions on whom to contact. School Garden Clubs: Katie Van Hiel said that the schools are down to their last meetings. During the summer there will be a meeting open to all who are interested in helping next year with programs. Field Trips: Suzie reminded everyone about the field trip on Tuesday, May 22, to tour Green Meadows Preserve Park in Cobb County that Jim Bearden, an MG in Cobb County, looks after. Plan to meet at the Exit 7 (Hwy 92) exit Good Will parking lot, ready to go at 9:15. The address of the Preserve is 3780 Dallas Highway. Speakers Bureau: No report Farmers Market: Ed Stumler asked everyone interested to stay after the business meeting to discuss plans. Apparel Committee: Carol Jackson brought several sample shirts for members to examine. A group order will be placed. ANNOUNCEMENTS Marcia announced a plant swap that she and Debbie Meadows will host at Marcias home on May 10th at 11 a.m. Bring one or two plants to swap if possible and a covered dish for lunch. Contact Marcia to sign up. [marciawinchester@gmail.com] Marc announced that the speaker for next month will be Helen Lawson, a Forsyth Master Gardener who works for Spot On Communications. She will bring remarks on newly introduced plants and how they are brought to market. You are encouraged to bring friends. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 11:10 a.m. Door prizes were awarded thereafter. Karen Lail showed a video on growing mushrooms. 2:@AB % 1 R T i m o ÷xl`lTxHhMB*OJQJphh! 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Oh+'05  8 D P \hpxssJoan McFatherooanoanNormalFMELLENF4LLMicrosoft Word 10.0@G@X=@FLR@$7G3VT$m   ."System`r0`L -@Cambria-  2 A  G.2 = Regular Monthly MeetingO@>H%@7fDH,H%@f@@+&H> 2  G/2 ZI Bluffs Conference CenterN%H''7EDH'@7@I8@E@H,@7 2 Z G2 k April 17NH7&%GG2 + , 2018GGGG 2 }  H 2 t  G@Cambria-2 PThe regular monthly meeting of the Cherokee County Master Gardeners was held on GB;2;;B!;2d@B)B <d;;)!C;@$)B;DB;2@>;;C@BC)<b;4(;2I;2B;C:24]:4B;!C@C2  Tuesday, GB;4C;<2 April 17KB2!!BB2 T, 2018,7CBBB2   at the Bluf;))B;I!B%,2  fs Conference Center. $4D@C$;2;C4;D;B);1#2 ,Members present b;dB:24C1;3;C)#2 were CCMG, Inc. ]:2;DCbI'C5 2 PD2  resident 2;4!B;C)2  Mary Ellen b:2<E!!:C2 RoosK@@3;2  , Immediate CCMG Past President 'dd;C!:);DDbID;3)D2;4!B:C)2  Marc Teffeaub;25G;$$;;B2 { , Past State D:4)<(;(;)2 President Dot MartinD2;4!B;C)O@)b;1) C2 , +2 8Vice President Karen H!5;D2;4!C;C)L:2;C2  Lail@;!!2 A , 12 t Secretary Joan McFather, s<:52:):2<%@;Cb5@;)B:2#2 Treasurer Diane G2::4B2;2O!;C;2 3Waltono; )@C2 3F, =2 3y!Lois Andresen, Evelyn Balejcsik, @@!4KCB2:4;CE<;!<CI;!;54 ?%2 3 Russell Brannon, KB43;!!I2;CB@C2 3t Becky DixoniI;5?<O!:@C 2 3,#2 3 Susan Franklin,<B4;C@2;C?!!C 2 39  2 J%2  ulia Fuller,B!!;@B!!;2 2  2 2Shar<A;22  on Grundeis, @CI2BCC;!42  Melora Hilerb:!?2;R!!;12 A , =2 t !Stephanie Howard, Carol Jackson, <(;CB;C!;R@\;2BD;1@!%;4?4@B2 C Lynn Knottsr@<CCLC@))42 , 2 M  Judy Lester, %BC<@;4);1#2 M GDebbie Meadows, O;BB!;b;;B@]32 M  Carol MumawoD:2@!bAd;]2 M , "2 M Jan Nicholson, %;CR!5B@ 4@B12 M Janet Peake, Pam Raines, s%;C;)D:;?:D;dK;!C;32 M Linda @!CC;2  Robbins, lK@BB!B42  Gail RooslI;!!K@?4%2 , Mary Schuster, b;2<<5BB4):2%2 Gerry Slaughter, I;11<<!;B;B);22 + Diane Smith, ,O!;C;;d!)B2  Hope Sorrells,R@C;<@12:!!32 , 2  Veronica eH;2@C!5;2 f Steffe<);$$;2 f nsmeier7B4d;!:22 f , 2 f  Ed Stumler, EC;(Bd!;12 f 3Suzi<B7! 2 f e;2 f D  Thomas7GB@d:42 f , Katie VanL:)!;H;C 2 f   2 f 1 HielR!;!,2 f  and Marcia Winchester;CCb;25!;o!C5B:4):22 f  . Extension E:);C4!@C2 AgK;:2 Vent Josh Fuder was also present ;C)%@4B@BC;2\;4; 4@C1;3;C) 2 . 2  F 2  8 G-2  CALL TO ORDER ENBBMSSOUEO 2 G H 2  G-2 %  President D2;4!B;C)2 %  Mary Ellenb:2<E!!:CG2 % ( called the business meeting together at5;!!:C)B;BB4!C:34d;;)!C;)@;:)B;2;) 2 %  2 % 10:0BB B 2 % 0B2 % , a.m;d2 % . 2 % 1 Mary Schuster b;2<<5BB4):2 2 %  2  moved and d@<;C;CC2 # Carol MumawC;1@!aBd;] 2  seconded a mo4;5@BC:C;d@>2 "tion to approve the meeting agenda)!@C)@;BC2@<;(B;d;;)!C;;;;CB; 2 . 2 1  2 J  2 dIt was passed ')];4C;34:C)2 ?with no additions. ]!)BC@;CC!)!@C3 2 ? G 2  G-(2 XSECRETARYS REPORT >EEOEMNOI>OEKSOM 2 X< 2 X Joan McFather*D@If8B@-H@7 2 X.  G- 2  G2 qWPreliminary March 2018 minutes were posted to the website as approved. There being no D2;!!d!C;2<b;15BBBCBd!DB);4];1;C@4(;C(@)B;];A4!);;4:CC2@<:CGB;2;A;!C;C@e2 <corrections, the minutes were tacitly approved. Joan passed 5@21;5)!@B4)B;d CB);4]:2;);5 )!<;CC2@<:C%?;CC;34:C22 the attendance clipboard, )B;;)(;CB;C5;5! CB@:2C2 aasking that all present list their correct status of active, lifetime or trainee. She wrote one ;4?!C;)B;); !C2:3;C)!!4))A;!25@21;5(4);)B4@$;5)!<;!!$:)!d;@2)1;!C;:<B;]2@(;@C;"2 thank you note.)B;C?<@BC@); 2  F 2  G-&2 1TREASURERS REPORTMOEN>QOEP>OEKSOM 2 1  2 1< 2 1  2 1$ Diane WaltonU&@H@s@%-DH 2 1  H 2  G@Symbol- 2 Q7@"Arial- 2 Q }-2 Q8Diane O!;C;/2 Q{presented the March I&E.C2;3;C(;C)A;b;25B'SE 2 Q  F- 2 7- 2  }-2 8 [Posted for *D@4):C$@22 March b;25A+2 : Cash on Hand as of & D;4B@CR;CC:4@$2  February 28 @;B2B;2<BB 2 `,2 y 201BCB 2 Z8C(2  was a balance of $f];4;B:!;C4;@$=2 R2970.207BBBBCB2 . 2 q8 Deposits in O;C@4!(4!C2 qMarch2b;25B2 q, $c=2 qD840.00BBBCB2 q , 2 q plus 0C!B4S2 q 0transfer from money Market $50.00. Expenses in )2;C4#;2$2@dd@C;<b;1?;)=BBBBE:C;C4;4!C2 8March0b;25B2 ~: $c =2 970.00BBBBB\2 X6. Transfer to Money Market Account $100.00, leaving a G3;C4$;2(@b@C;<b:2?;)K54@BC)=BBBBB!;;<!C;;2 UMarch 31b;25BBB2 :, 2 8201cBBC 2 8BD2 A& balance in the operating account of $B;!;C5;!C)B;@C;2:)!C;;55@BC)@$=2  2970.201BBCBBB"2 Y. Donations/deO@C;)!@C4;B;%2 mdicated funds is C!5;(;C$BCC4!4 2 8$=2 u11BBO2 -00.00. The money market account balance is $BBBBGB;d@C;<d;2?;):55@BC)B; ;C5;!4=2 I3007.051BBBBCC2 . 7%2 =Total available: G@);!;<;!!:B ; - 2 8$=2 u4697.251BBBBBB2  {.@Cambria-D2 d&See secretarys book for entire report:77.7417)?17.?==<#=17@)!1717?=1)- 2  }.- 2  .-2  ] *2 The GB;2  treasurers )2;;3B2;242 I report was 2:C@1)];4,2 08accepted as presented.;55;B):C;4C1;3;C(;C 2 0 F- 2 7- 2  }-=2 8!Diane reminded us that after the O!;C;2;d!CC:CB4)B;);$):2)B;2  May b;<22   meeting she and Pat Bowend;;)!C;4B;;BCD;)I@];C2 K  will hold a ]!!!B@!C;2 P8Tseminar to explain how to apply for grants (Pat) and what follow up to do after you 4;d!C:2)@;:B!;!CB@])@;CC!<$@2;2;C)4.D:).;CC]B:($@!!@]BC)@C@;$):2<@B-%2 8succeed (Diane). n4B55;:C.O!;C;.- 2  F 2 j G&2 EXTENSION AGENTS EJMER>*SRNNERM>2 ^REPORT 1OEJSOM 2 E =2   JoshT)D7I2   FuderBHH@7 2   G 2  G-                    ՜.+,0 hp|  7BA  Title  !"#$%'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijkmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~Root Entry F%[1Table&WordDocument$JSummaryInformation(lD5DocumentSummaryInformation8CompObjj  FMicrosoft Word Document MSWordDocWord.Document.89q