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The Annual Flavor of Georgia Food Product Contest, hosted and organized by the 海角官方首页 Center for Agribusiness and Economic Development (CAED) since 2007, provides a unique opportunity for Georgia producers and food businesses to highlight their new or innovative food products. In 2020, there were 117 food products submitted for consideration in the 11 categories, with 30 finalists named in February. The contest provides additional opportunities for participating businesses, including publicity, new contacts, and additional venues for sales, as well as food-specific and educational resources.


Georgia producers, entrepreneurs and potential entrepreneurs consistently have the need for educational and food-specific resources, additional publicity, exposure, and sales opportunities.


This situation led to the development of the annual Flavor of Georgia Food Product Contest and publication of the accompanying directory of all products that were submitted, available in both printed and online formats. Judging consists of two rounds including buyers, distributors, and other food industry experts with the ability to provide product advice and leverage the contest for increases in sales and visibility. Customized press releases are produced for all finalists and distributed to major outlets and industry-specific outlets for maximum effect, while use of social media graphics and logos perpetuate the impact for product marketing.


The 2020 Flavor of Georgia Food Product Contest acquired 117 food product submissions from throughout Georgia, consisting of a large variety of products. After initial review, the worldwide pandemic required a postponement of the final judging round. To meet the need for publicity and exposure for all of the entrants, CAED published the full-color directory, creating a resource for those seeking premium Georgia food products in online format. To enhance the benefits to all participants, CAED compiled the first-round judging scores and comments/advice, sending the electronic summary individually (for privacy) to all participants in April while awaiting news about scheduling the next step. A virtual final round of judging was held in October, naming a winner for each category and grand prize winner. Each winner will receive an award plate, press releases, and custom graphics indicating their champion status.

State Issue

Sustainability, Conservation, & the Environment


  • Year: 2020
  • Geographic Scope: State
  • County: Clarke
  • Location: College Station, Athens
  • Program Areas:
    • Agriculture & Natural Resources


  • Kane, Sharon P


CAES Collaborator(s)

  • Paine, Joshua
  • Stubbs, Karen J.

Non-CAES Collaborator(s)

  • Georgia Agribusiness Council
  • Georgia Department of Agriculture
  • Gourmet Foods International
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